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ATI Catalyst:Vista_8.423-071011a-054374C-ATI with WHQL
Platform: Windows Vista (32bit/64bit)
ATI VISTA Driver Verison: Vista_8.423-071011a-054374C-ATI with WHQL
Note: Users must have Microsoft's .NET Version 1.1 Framework prior to installing the ATI driver/Catalyst Control Centre(CCC) components.
2007/11/6 |
147.5 MB |
ATI Catalyst:XP_8.423-071011a-054373C-ATI with WHQL
Platform: Windows XP (32bit/64bit)
ATI XP Driver Verison: XP_8.423-071011a-054373C-ATI with WHQL
Note: Users must have Microsoft's .NET Version 1.1 Framework prior to installing the ATI driver/Catalyst Control Centre(CCC) components.
2007/11/6 |
180.4 MB |
Package Version:XP_8.401-070727a-050964C-ATI with WHQL
Platform: Windows XP (32bit/64bit)
ATI XP Driver Version: XP_8.401-070727a-050964C-ATI with WHQL
Note: Users must have Microsoft's .NET Version 1.1 Framework prior to installing the ATI driver/Catalyst Control Centre(CCC) components.
2007/8/24 |
186.4 MB |